Any questions?
Is DSG Team Doxxed?
Yes, the Founders have been doxxed by @AlphaLabs_NFT
How can I be whitelisted?
You can find the information in our Discord Server 🔫│how-to-wl area. discord.gg/YkFm5FPTZA
Where can I buy DSG NFTs?
The Marketplace will be revealed soon, stay tuned
When is the minting date?
It will be announced soon
What is the total mint supply?
DSG will be a collection size of 7.777 Mates
Mint price?
0.77 SOL
How many can we mint?
Mint Allocation is as follows,
OG Allocation 4 Per Wallet WL Allocation 3 Per Wallet Public Allocation Unlimited
What is the Illuminated Pass?
This a special pass which will be obtained by our most die-hard community members that have shown their maximum effort supporting our Project. We think they deserve a reward, which will be a free NFT airdropped to them. You can find the information in our Discord Server 🌼│illuminated-pass area. discord.gg/YkFm5FPTZA
Last updated